Alkis Livathinos | Afield Audio)

Alkis Livathinos | Afield Audio)

Company Afield Audio

Bio Born and raised in Greece, keyboardist since my early teens. I mostly liked improvising and writing, rather than performing, I ended up studying Computer Science to satisfy others' expectations of me, and to secure a more stable future, but while studying, I kept writing, producing, and recording. Things started picking up when I found success in the library music scene, holding the top selling music logos and sonic idents on the Envato marketplace, whilst also connecting me with clients who wanted custom tunes. In 2015, I made the move to London, both for love (my then-girlfriend, now wife) and to break free from the idea that music couldn't be a real job back in my small Greek hometown. I've also had the chance to work with music tech companies like Jukedeck and Figaro, thanks to my academic background in Computer Science. It's allowed me to communicate better with engineering teams and add value to their products by connecting with both sides of the spectrum. I freelance as a composer and sound designer, splitting my time between bespoke and catalogue work. I love mentoring younger composers on how to stay independant and make a living out of music making. I've recently started putting together a team of talented composers and visual artists to take Afield Audio to the next level as a music and sound production company.




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